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florian hutter
Florian Hutter
Managing Director Innovation

Guide to Measuring Software Delivery Performance

How to navigate and leverage the right metrics for your software projects?

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This guide will help you understand:

why and if you should measure your software delivery performance,

why measuring software delivery can be controversial,

what are the most popular metrics that you can track, how to track them and why can they be beneficial for you,

how to make sure you don’t sabotage your project and team with those metrics.

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Who is this guide for?

Project Managers, Technical Managers, or IT Directors, who:

  • want to optimize their software project performance and delivery,
  • are looking to broaden their knowledge on relevant metrics and measurement techniques,
  • want to know how they can improve their current processes,
  • are overseeing a software project that is not going well and need to find why,

What’s in the guide?

  • benefits of measuring software delivery performance,
  • most common problems & challenges of using metrics,
  • a list of metrics with information on measurement, source of data, and potential impact they have,
  • examples of different approaches you can take to pick the right metrics for your project,
  • an overview of the process of measuring software delivery performance,
  • our tips & tricks.

Did you know… Software Delivery Performance


There’s a saying “if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” According to Wellingtone’s The State of Project Management Report 54% of companies don’t have access to real-time project KPIs. Furthermore, one of the main cause of project failures is a lack of clearly defined objectives and milestones to measure progress (37%). It is no surprise that without proper monitoring and processes in place, software projects can easily go off track. If you’d like to learn how to monitor your software project – we have a separate guide on that topic.


However, if you have noticed that you tend to struggle with measuring your software delivery performance and don’t know what to correct – this guidebook is for you.

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